Yesterday started off wonderful. A light rain was not enough to stop our Sunday plans. Mr. B had Army Drill so it was just me and the girls. Miss M, Miss P and I went to church, after church we went to our favorite menudo joint Los Picos. Miss M can tear up a bowl of menudo and loves it piled high with cilantro, onions, cabbage and lime. She is the only 4 year old that I have ever seen eat it like that. Anyhow, the girls displayed their best manners at the restaurant. Since their behavior was going so well, I thought I would try and stop a few more places with them. (I normally have a 2 stop rule when I am by myself with the girls....I will only attempt 2 places before behavior has a melt down so I quit trying to do so much) So off to Target and Costco we went, both without incident. Once we got home we were all excited to start our Valentine's project when the behavior started....not from my children, but from our toilet. One of the little girls had to take a very big poop after that big know where this is going, right....well within minutes of being home water, toilet paper and yep, turds were floating down my hall way and making their way into the bedrooms. WHY do these things happen when Mr. B is far, far away? I bring him up, because the day before I noticed the toilet acting funny and I asked him to fix it. Apparently, just looking at it was his definition of fixing it, so when the next person went to flush....poop boats went down the hallway. I went from peaceful and happy to raging with a mouth full of profanity screaming at Mr. B on the phone as the water continued to rise. I realized that I could scream at him all day, but then the whole house was gonna be under water so I had to get it together, even if just for a moment. The turn off at the back of the toilet was so hard to turn off. My little girls were looking at me wondering if I had turned into a monster as I screamed at them to go get towels. My shoes were wet, my socks were wet, the bottom of my pants were wet, and my shirt that was dangling in the toilet was wet...I was a mess. Once I got the water off and every single towel in the house down and took the girls next door,I came home and did what only I would do...took a nap. Yep, I left it there for Mr. I fixed it to deal with. Our Valentine's project was never started, and I spent the evening apologizing to the girls for my behavior and thanking them for all of their help with the towels. I feel a little guilty for letting my rage come out in front of them, but I will blame it on my crazy pregnant hormones. Mr. B mentioned that he will be buying a new toilet. Thank goodness!
Oh wow!! Yep that about explains everyday of my life.... Except for the good kids and lunch and stores. We usually never make it that far.
HAHAHAHAHA i can already pic it "Mr B that bla blah Miss. M pass me a towel, Miss. P dont step on that...I love ya
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