Thursday, May 20, 2010

Tom and Jack escape

It was only a matter of time before it happened. Tom and Jack spend a lot of time rubbing up on the fence. Since I am not a farmer girl, I can only guess that they are itching themselves. They finally rubbed enough that the fencing started stretch and create bigger holes. I sent Miss P to check on their water and she came back screaming that they were gone! I ended up finding them down the road. They had actually crossed the bridge by our house that goes to the park and were making their way to the swings. A nice couple led them to an enclosed pasture and left them there. Mr. B had to go to the store to buy a goat collar just to get them home. They really put up a fight. Mr. B fixed the fence and hopefully they stay put. I can't handle looking for goats around my neighborhood on a regular basis.

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